Monday, June 21, 2010


OK so this is my first time blogging and i have no idea what I'm doing or what to say really.... I do know i want everyone to love life; it is very important and people should enjoy it. I was watching a friends YouTube video and he was talking about having bad days, pretty much it was about not to dread on the bad things that are happening but be happy. I totally agree with this. What is the point of being mad? Why do we get mad? All it does is bring us anger and unhappiness. A goal i am setting for myself is not to get mad about the little things. I was so mad sunday! I had to work that day and had to close! I was so angry and in a bad mood, after thinking about it i thought it was point less to be mad so the next day i went to work with a smile on my face and i was happy. I need to read my scrpitures mor often and pray more i know my heavenly father loves me and he knows what is best for me im just scared what he has in store or me or what he wants me to do. Before i end this im ending with goals i have for this week.

1. work out 3 times this week
2. Eat healthy
3. Love life
4. Read scriptures.
5. Pray
6. No fighing with the family
7. call my girls that i VT
8. say something nice to someone i dislike
9. Play SOMO!!!


  1. I was in a terrible mood Sunday evening too! And for absolutely no reason--or at least not a good enough one that I'm going to admit it. All I could do was scowl at the tv. Anyway, yay for your determination to overcome those feelings. Good luck on the goals this week!

  2. LOVE it Meekk. You are amazing. I especially love the goal to SOMO!! Happiness is a choice, and you are doing all the right things to make the choice to be happy. :) Love you girl!
